Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SOEA Spring Conference

This past weekend I spent my time with people I barely knew at an educator conference. It was the most FUN I have had in a while.

Thursday we left around five and head down to the city. On the way down, I was pretty nervious because I only knew two of the five other people in the van. One was the director of student teaching and my boss and the other was the person I replaced. I have recently realized that I can be friends with anyone, however not everyone is the same way. They may not want to be my friend. This was what I was afraid of. i was so scared that the people I was going to spend the weekend with were not going to want anything to do with me. I was sooo wrong. These people were so very fun!! We joked the whole way down and shared some funny stories. I was so releaved! When we arrived we checked in to a marriott hotel, not the hotel 8 like I thought we were staying. After that we decided we were very hungry. I was starving. We narrowed it down to Olive Garden and Red Lobster and without a large debate with hit the road for Red Lobster.
This is what I had!!  SO MUCH SHRIMP! So delicious! We had so much fun! Lots of talking and getting know each other, and more funny stories.

After that we returned to the hotel very hyper. I felt like I was with my long lost bestfriends on a trip. We watched some tv and just getting to know each other more. However we were working on scrapbook for and Outstanding Chapter Reward which was fun working on but I voluteered to start doing it over the course of the year instead of the last minute. Just another responsibility I shouldn't have taken but I figure that I can just do it at work and get paid for doing it.

The next day was Outreach to Teach. Members of the SOEA and others join together and participate in helping a school. It was like a mini Extreme Makeover: School Edition. I worked on the outdoor crew and painted poles and benches.

This is a picture of me and my new friend LeAnn. She was like a long lost sister to me. We got along great and I'm so glad I got to know her. We ended up painting on each others shirts and put the initial of our first name on our backs and then asked others if they wanted their initial on their back. So immature I know, but we had SO MUCH FUN! I was so honored to be a part of this project and it was amazing to see the transformation of this school. It was one of those schools that you just don't want your child to go to because it is so worn down and needs a ton of TLC. We couldn't fix everything but we were able to freshen the place up. The transformation was absolutely amazing.

After that we went to eat at this awesome mexican restaurant downtown. I want to take my husband there! So delicious! After we ate we went to ride the canal but it wasn't running and we were so tired that we went back to the hotel. We were so tired and ended up watching Dateline. We all got along so well. :-)

The next day was the conference. I have been to a few conferences in my life but this was the most fun. It was my first education conference so maybe that is why. They had workshops, one presented by last years teacher of the year, a great lunch, a few principals who answered our questions, a welcome to the jungle class that gave us insight and ideas for our first year of teaching, and then elections for this next term.

I am proudly running for STATE SECRETARY! I am so excited! I had a blast this past weekend but I truly missed my loving husband and dogs. I couldn't WAIT to see them when I got home.

So this spring break I'm going to go see my biological mother! I haven't seen her and my siblings since I got married almost two years ago. From there I am hoping I will find out more on my adoption and write it down and then share it with you. I haven't meant to get off track but I don't know every detail of everything so I didn't want to share something that I didn't truly know about.

So until next time, have a great night.

Go watch LOST and comment what you think!

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